Missing Classmates

Hi Everyone,

This is a list of our classmates who haven't joined the website yet.  If you are in contact with any of them, please encourage them to join, so we can get in touch with them. 



Mary Jane Brown (Kalkis)
Phyllis Crescenzo (Pelligrino)
David Dovgala
Linda Flood (Basili)
Mary Fortinash
Ellen Hagan
Jim Hart
Nancy Kochetta (Zukowski)
Robert Krisch
Linda Moretti (Fain)
Judy O'Hare (Bagnell)
Frank Pelligrino
Marlene Porter
Eugene M Reynolds
Joe Shay
Dennis Slutak
Helen Jane Sole
Karen Sweeney (Brady)
Mary Ann Walsh (Evans)
Martha Ward (Cherry)
Gary Yambrick
Steven Zdanowski
Marianne Zukowski (Smith)